Save and invest on 

every transaction.

Discover the smartest way to shop with PayPilot. Find deals, invest spare change, and earn investments effortlessly.

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What We do

Find the best way to pay, every time.

Pay the least amount possible, wherever you shop or dine. Find and filter deals near you using the PayPilot Map.

Round-up bills for investments.

Round-up your daily transactions and invest the extras into your cash investment account.

Earn investments when you shop with our partners.

Unlock a world of investments rewards every time you shop with our partners.

PayPilot revolutionises your spending by automatically finding the best deals, rounding up purchases for investments, and earning investment bonuses, all through a seamless app experience.


  • PayPilot scans available payment deals from payment platforms and credit cards to recommend the best payment method for your daily transactions automatically and dynamically based on your locations. Additionally, we offer features like rounding up bills for investments and earning investment bonuses that directly go into your cash investment account.

  • The round-up transaction feature round-ups your daily transactions and the extras automatically invested into your preferred cash investment account, helping you save and invest effortlessly.

  • Users who open an investment account via PayPilot can earn investments that goes directly into their cash investment accounts when they shop at our partner stores.

  • At PayPilot, we prioritise your privacy and security. We use advanced encryption and security measures to protect your personal and financial information. Your data is stored securely and used only to enhance your experience with PayPilot.

  • Simply click on any of the buttons that say ‘Join the Waitlist’ on our website and fill out the waitlist sign-up form with your basic information and contact details. You’ll be the first to know when PayPilot launches and enjoy exclusive early-bird offers.

Contact us.
(852) 98749719

Room 22, Unit 518, 5/F, Core F, Cyberport 3